In the not so distant future, humanity’s hold as the dominant race was almost subsumed by robots. A drug made it possible for humans to graft cybernetic enhancements to their bodies without organ rejection. Those with access to this drug can transcend humanity’s limits and compete with the machines that threaten the definition of being “human.” This drug is named BETA RED
70 pages of rain-drenched, neon-lit, rules lite cyberpunk action designed to be done your way…whatever way that is.
A fusion of eastern and western cyberpunk futurism tropes, Beta Red is a unique d6 dice pool system aimed at creating high risk, high reward situations that follow the themes of cyberpunk down whatever lane you and your players want, including resisting the system. If ever you felt that the cyberpunk-themed RPG you were playing either was too much inside its own lore or wasn’t quite what you were looking for, check out Beta Red
This book contains:
- 4 Playable “Species,” (Human, Robot, Clone or Psychic)
- Equipment
- The complete rules including Action Guides
- Megacity, Street Gang, and Drug creation
- Moderator Guide
- 2 Premade Adventure Frameworks
Writing and Layout by R. Scott Uhls (Maximum Apocalypse RPG)
Art by Don Jermaine Nicholas, Egor Grositskiy, Evil Torn, and Jiajun “JJ” Haw
70 pages, staple-bound softcover, 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Full color. Includes PDF.